Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Another reason to hate being organic

I’d called the doc this AM about fatigue and this really neat pain on my left side. They had me set up an appt this morning, thinking about a possible kidney stone…

So now I’m constantly thinking about kidney stones. Kidney stones?! It’s not like I went to the beach to pick up some of these things. I don’t even like pebbles! Worse, how does one get rid of kidney stones? I tried having a garage sale; nobody was interested. Not even in the garage. I even brought them to Goodwill in hopes they’d take ‘em. Nope, Goodwill didn’t want them either. Worst of all, neither had McDonalds; and we all know what they put in their Happy Meals™…

Oh well. At least I don’t have crabs, which is why I never go to the beach…

Can’t wait to find out if it is kidney stones. I hope it’s something else… you know, with all those ailments that cause pain, it’s a darn shame the body can’t make its own morphine. The kidneys would have a use after all; making morphine balls! Or maybe the appendix; it’s said that thing serves no purpose except to get inflamed, burst, and make a surgeon richer…

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