Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ruminations on fish and computer peripherals...

Why do salmon swim to where they were born in order to “do it”? How do they manage to migrate? Worse, are there “Gen Y” salmon that are so lazy, that slothful Sammy Salmon says “Hey Sally, let’s just do it here and go to Starfish Coffee afterward?” Maybe that explains why salmon can be found in diverse places such as Washington, Alaska, and that lead- and mercury-laden hatchery farm in China!

Did you know I bought a new video card? Performs better than its predecessor with anisotropic filtering set to 8x, runs 20+ degrees (centigrade) cooler, and when overclocked, performs as well as its high end, far more expensive brother. $300 vs $450, all I can say is: Oh yeah!! It's the BFG nVidia 260GTX, in case you were wondering...

And, lastly, I bought a new hard drive. 10,000RPM. Vista’s load time was certainly impressive before the upgrade – since then, the boot time is halved and I’ve never had any operating system feel so responsive. Except for BeOS, of course, but then consider Windows Vista is loading hundreds of megabytes of cached application data along with system startup tasks… never mind performance in Microsoft Flight Simulator… I haven’t frothed so jubilantly in quite a long time.

Speaking of Flight Simulator, let’s be grateful those nice people who made “Grand Theft Auto” didn’t make “Grand Theft Flight Simulator”… they probably will by 2010 anyway…

And now I have a memory block. I tried to work on a new 3D image in trueSpace and couldn’t think of anything to design. Oh well. At least it loads in 3 seconds.

What do computers have to do with fish? Probably nothing, unless the fish are tagged with little transmitters to show where they go and what they go do with themselves...

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