Saturday, August 30, 2008

News just in: "Airliners Miss Colliding By 1 Minute"

Here is the article!
(Happy reading!)

They must be expert pilots. When I play "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", I fly around for hours and deliberately try to chase or dog other planes. Computer-generated, these planes follow a direct path, without any element of "the human factor" getting involved. The result? I keep missing them by miles. Now if I turned the "other aircraft" amount to 80% then I might have a chance.

If this flight simulator is close to real-life flying, how do two humans collide? Apart from meeting at a hook-up bar and going to a cheap, cockroach-infested hotel, but that's not relevant right now.

But, oh look, I just opened the window, poked my head out, and turned it upward. The sky is blue and pretty, and just like in the simulator there's nary a plane in the sky.

What all that says, I have no idea... I just like to come across silly.

Next week I will be reviewing the simulated accuracies of "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas", complete with that special hidden gem of a sub-game: "Hot Coffee". Or perhaps I won't...

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