Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Celebrities - What's the Point of them, except to be proverbial punching bags by proxy?

Right. We humans tend to praise others for various and often indiscernible reasons. There are two predominant reasons:

1. Because they're filth and love to draw attention to themselves via the crudest way possible. Like me, except I tend to actually have something to say...
2. Because they know how to mince words, sensationalize, or have the charisma to get you to do something they want, even though they themselves have no intention of following through on their own words.

#1 is fairly straightforward: Read about a star who had pictures of their "special parts" photographed. or made a video tape engaging in "special acts" and deciding it should be released into the media for all to see?

#2 Aww heck, this is an election year and I've already bashed Hollywuss too much (for today, anyway)...

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