Sunday, August 24, 2008

So there's a new ring tone available - a "condom ring tone"...

Seriously! Google it up! Even MSN flaunts it prominently on their web site!!

If you go to Microsoft’s web site, (MSN), their A-List page has a new article; hyping up the Big Gates Foundation for putting out, you guessed it, a “condom ring tone”.

What the ??!!!???!!

I know Microsoft has screwed its customers over time and again, I mean who doesn't, but a freakin’ ring tone that everybody around the phone’s owner gets to hear?! Yeah, that’s a real smart thing to do… You can imagine such a guy asking his friends “Hey, wanna hear my new ring tone?” (Now, aren’t you glad I only use bits of 1960s psychedelic tunes as ring tones? Except, I, unlike the creator of this ‘condom ring tone’, am not drugged up!! Well, on anything illegal that is…)

Unless the ring tone tells people how to make balloon doggies out of them, I’m not sure I’d want to hear about it… Or perhaps water balloons, but I don’t see any practical use for those…

On the plus side, the next time you go to a movie that claims to be a “romantic comedy”, when some twerp’s phone starts ringing, you might actually laugh for once instead of wishing you could find a mallet and hammer the phone into a million tiny pieces!

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