Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Oster Fusion blender - a sappy review.

I recently bought this nice Oster brand blender with a 600 watt motor, to replace the underpowered 400 watt blender I currently have.

Now, it's fast. Think "Superman on crystal meth" and there you go. And the results were a very smooth mixture...

Sadly, when I took the motor unit out of the box, you could feel the motor inside go up and down if you turned the main part upside down and back. That didn't feel right.

Worse, when actually using this thing, the motor sounds wrong. It's loud, that's not the problem, but the whir noise is unevenly pitched. Now I've only used this thing in manual mode; no pre-set modes that turn the blades backwards and forwards at various speeds; just "maximum" or even holding down the "max pulse" button. The whirring noise should be constant and consistent. It sounds like the thing is going to fall apart at any minute.

Then I went to a professional review site to read peoples' glowing reviews. Well, they were indeed glowing... Glowing with anger, it seems. Many people have reported premature failures in as little as three uses. I've a feeling this unit is going to peter out within a month. Even the 400 watt puny Oster model I had prior to this one didn't sound like a duck choking on tootsie roll!

I'm going to risk keeping it. I mean, it's only money and the way it's built I'm going to expect the blade to fly off and slash my wrist one day and claim "I did it in self defense, because that meanie of an owner wanted to return me because he figured it out I'm a poorly made piece of junk!"

So if you've bought this for $60 at some discount retail store, return it. I worry you'll be out of a lot of money if you don't.

1 comment:

Tadpole of HypnoToad said...

Update: I've had it for a couple of days now and, OMG, it still works!